Collection: Poolrite Pumps

Are you looking for the ideal pool Pump that will ensure your peace of mind?

Yes, the Poolrite brand of Pumps might be the exact solution for you!

Poolrite Pumps can easily run your pool water through your sand filter or cartridge filter and leave you with crystal-clear pool water all year-round! 

4 products

For over 40 years, the Poolrite brand of pumps has been known for its inspiring mission of developing innovative pool solutions prioritising 'peace of mind' always!
From the Super Quiet (SQI) pumps to their Variable Speed pumps, you can't go wrong with Poolrite!

The (SQI) high performance pumps are powered by the CMG light industrial motor for reliability and durability. The SQI pump design has endured over decades delivering whisper-quite motor and hydraulic noise reduction to pool owners not only in Australia but overseas markets as well.

As long as your Poolrite pump is properly sized for your pool then you won't have to worry about having circulation or clarity problems! 

Poolrite pool pumps have also more than enough muscle in them to power a suction pool cleaner ; simply connect the cleaner via the skimmer box & through a vacuum plate!  

Here are some points that may affect the efficiency of your Poolrite pool pump, so be sure to take all of them into consideration before purchasing: 

• The type and size of your pool filter, whether you're using a sand filter or a cartridge flter
• The number of fittings you have, plumbing sizes, and length of pipes used
• The use of other pool equipment like heaters, chlorinators, and suction pool cleaners
• and of course, the number one determinant of your pool pump size, the size, and volume of your pool or spa!

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