Collection: POOL PUMPS

Used to circulate the water in a pool, a Pool Pump is known as the heart of your swimming pool since your pool pump plays a vital role in the health of your pool. Whether it’s your first time purchasing a pool pump or you simply need a replacement pool pump, we’ve got just what you’re looking for.

My Online Pool Shop also carries an incredible selection of Pool Filters to accompany your new pool pump and can make your swimming season last longer with the Pool Heaters from leading brands like Madimack and Supreme Heating. SHOP NOW!

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Pool pumps keep your water fresh and clean by allowing it to circulate through the pool filtration system, ensuring that it stays free from algae, bugs, dirt or other materials.

A swimming pool pump is the most important feature in an operating pool, it allows water to pump through a filter (usually a sand filter or cartridge filter), circulates the water and pool chemicals, and is the main reason for keeping water crystal clean and safe to swim in all year round. 

Pool pumps push water through any additional equipment such as pool heaters and allows for excellent suction on pool cleaners.

The pump itself consists of three main components:

- Motor

- Impeller

-Hair and lint trap (or housing)

Connected to the end of the shaft of the motor is the impeller. As it turns, it pulls water in through the hair and lint trap at the end of the pump and pushes it out the top of the pump through a pipe leading to the filter.

There are 3 main types of pool pumps to choose from. They are all classified according to the speeds they can produce:

Single-speed pump – The first pool pumps ever manufactured have a single speed, meaning the impeller will spin at a single speed that’s produced by the motor’s horsepower. There are many new single-speed pump products available in the market today. They are the cheapest pumps you can buy for your swimming pool. Single-speed pumps operate with a motor spinning at one speed. When replacing a single-speed pool water pump, it’s best to upgrade to a more efficient pool pump, at least a multiple-speed or variable-speed pump

Multiple-speed pump – A pool pump with multiple-speed capability. Each speed is fixed and preset by the manufacturer. You can switch from one speed to another easily according to the size and requirement of your pool. Multiple-speed pool pumps operate at two speeds: low and high. The lower speed uses less energy, but may not turn over your water as efficiently. The high speed, on the other hand, will turn over your water more quickly but will resemble the speed of a single-speed pool pump

Variable-speed pump – Equipped with a variable speed controller, this pool pump allows you to set the speed according to your preference. Some variable speed pool pumps can adjust speed automatically on their own. It’s the most expensive type of swimming pool pump however it also has the highest energy efficiency so should save you money in the not-so-distant future. Today, variable-speed pool pumps are among the most popular swimming pool pumps even though they are more expensive up front; they are much more efficient than other types of pool pumps, consuming less power and turning pool water over more efficiently than single or dual-speed pumps. Variable-speed pumps can cut energy costs up to 90% and save you hundreds on your utility bill!

We recommend our choices of variable Pentair Pumps available on our site.

When choosing your pool pump consider the:

Pool size- how many litres of water are in your pool? You will need to work this out so you can calculate your pool’s flow rate per hour (lpm or litres per minute) so you choose a pump best suited for your pool.

Power- Bigger is not necessarily better so you should first check the maximum flow rate of your filter. You don’t want to exceed this or you will have expensive problems with your pool equipment

Speed- Pool pumps that run at a variable or dual speed use much less electricity and are less expensive and more energy efficient overall

Noise- Check the output of noise for the pump. Make sure your prospective pump is quiet to run so you can run it during off-peak hours when electricity is cheaper, without being a hindrance to neighbours.
You can also look into our collection of ACOUSTIC BOXES that limit any noise from your pump.

Convenience- Pool controllers or pool pump timers, are crucial devices if you want to keep your pool clean at lower electricity costs and save yourself the hassle of manually switching your system on and off every day.

Affordability- Buying the incorrect size pump or a pump with less durability will cost you significantly more in the long run.  Consider that the more expensive pumps may save you in the long term.

If you are looking for the reliability of a brand name pump like Hayward at a fraction of the price, look no further than My Online Pool Shop’s collection of Hayward Pumps. The powerful motors are built from durable materials for excellent water circulation and long-lasting performance.


We carry a full line of single speed, multi-speed and variable speed pool pumps and spa pumps to fit any application. It is vital to keep the water flowing and circulating in your pool while saving money by upgrading to an energy-efficient pump. We carry the best pool pumps in the business, as well as spa pumps, from all major manufacturers.

With different horsepower (HP), a variety of speed options and selecting between inground and above ground models, it’s important to know what you’re looking for.

We know it can be overwhelming choosing a pool pump for your pool (especially if it’s your first time) or to replace an older model. For help choosing the right Pool Pump CLICK HERE or email us at

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