Benefits of Salt Water Chlorinators
It’s a lovely summer’s day, and you’re walking toward your pool, all decked out in new swimwear and ready to swim some laps--- and then you’re hit with a sudden wave (no pun intended!) of that strong chlorine smell, that characteristic pool smell that have you wrinkling your nose and wondering if the swim you were looking forward to, is really worth it after all. The chlorine is also going to leave your new swimwear faded and aged well before its time. And you definitely don’t want to have to deal with all those inevitable itches and irritations that come with swimming in a heavily chlorinated pool…
… which is why it’s probably time for you to opt for a saltwater chlorinator, over a heavy pool maintenance routine that involves a plethora of chemicals!
What is a Saltwater Chlorinator and How Does It Work?
Nobody wants to have to swim in a pool that has algae growing in the odd corner, or bacteria swimming around just waiting to infect the unsuspecting swimmer by unleashing their pathogenic potential! That’s why it’s important to sanitise your pool, to keep it clean and crystal clear.
There are different ways of sanitising your pool: you can either add pool chemicals manually, or you can use a saltwater chlorinator to disinfect your pool.
Saltwater chlorinators operate on a principle called electrolysis. They come in two parts—a set of electrodes, and a control panel. The electrodes are small metal plates that are placed in very close proximity to each other.
Once pool-grade salt has been added to your swimming pool, an electric charge is sent through the electrodes, charging them and allowing them to strip the chlorine atom out of the salt. The process makes the chlorine thus generated, into the type of atom that can effectively sanitise your pool by killing bacteria and algae. The electrodes repeat this process over and over again, to provide the pool with a constant supply of chlorine.
That’s why having a saltwater chlorinator means you never have to buy chlorine again!

Oh, and don’t worry! It may sound like you’re going to have to perform complicated practicals in a chemistry lab, but really, it’s as easy as getting your pool disinfected at the press of a button! With saltwater chlorinators such as the Zodiac EZI Saltwater Chlorinator, you’ve got everything at your fingertips: a built-in clock and timers, boost and adjustable low mode to suit your needs, control lights, and set timers (although you’ll need an additional relay box), and an output selection to control chlorine levels!
It really is as easy as that!
Why Should I Opt For A Saltwater Chlorinator?
There’s a whole plethora of pros that comes with investing in a saltwater chlorinator, due to the fact that using a saltwater chlorinator absolves you of the need to use a large amount of chemicals to disinfect your pool. It is, after all, a truth universally acknowledged that the lesser the amount of chemicals in anything, the healthier it is bound to be!
A Healthier Chemical Composition
While saltwater chlorinators do still generate chlorine, it is still at a significantly lower level than if you were using traditional chlorine systems. The absence of harsh chemicals means the water is much gentler on your skin, eyes, and hair. Using a saltwater chlorinator means you won’t have to deal with swimmer’s itch, or worry about breaking out in a rash right after every refreshing swim!
Unlike in the case of chlorine pools, you won’t have to worry about your swimwear getting faded either!
Lower Maintenance
Dumping in a lot of chlorine at once is going to change your pool’s chemical composition drastically, and this is usually what happens in the case of traditional chlorine systems. With saltwater chlorinators on the other hand, your pool experiences a slow introduction of chlorine, thus allowing your pool’s chemical balance to remain relatively stable. You will still have to use balancing chemicals, but in lesser quantities than if you were opting for traditional chlorine systems.
You also don’t have to use algaecides because the saltwater chlorinator prevents the growth of algae.
Improved Appearance
Not only do saltwater chlorinators allow you to swim in bacteria-free and algae-free water—they also generate a small amount of ozone that adds a sparkle to your pool and leaves it looking clear and fresh!
Having to purchase chlorine and other chemicals on a routinely basis, can take a toll on your wallet. Purchasing pool-grade salt, on the other hand, is much cheaper! While it is true that saltwater chlorinators do cost more upfront, you can treat it as an investment that lets you save a lot in terms of costs and time, thanks to the reduction in chemicals and a lower need for maintenance.
Smart Features
With saltwater chlorinators, you don’t have to worry about manually measuring out a bunch of chemicals and performing improvised chemistry lab experiments. There’s not a lot you’ll need to figure out on your own, because saltwater chlorinators come fully equipped with a whole range of smart features.
The AstralPool Viron Salt Chlorinator, for instance, is a reverse polarity self-cleaning saltwater chlorinator incorporating a high efficiency switch mode power. It allows you to easily control your pool’s water balance with Bluetooth, and the free downloadable AstralPool ChlorinatorGO App on your smart device.
The Davey Chloromatic LifeGuard Salt Chlorinator is yet another example of a saltwater chlorinator with built-in smart features. It has WiFi enabled with a fully integrated app, as well as a comprehensive multilingual user-friendly LCD interface.
How to Pick the Right Saltwater Chlorinator
Now that we’ve established the worth of investing in a saltwater chlorinator, here are a few tips to ensure you pick the saltwater chlorinator that will work for you!
Oversize Your System
When investing in a saltwater chlorinator, you need to pay attention to the real measure of capacity, the chlorine output stats, and choose a high-volume system to maximise efficiency and lifespan.
Choose a Larger Model
If you’ve got a lot of family and friends using your pool, you might want to invest in a larger model to compensate for the increased demand for your pool.
There’s no need to buy the same brand of saltwater chlorinator as that of your pump or filter. You can opt for any brand you like, as long as it fulfils its purpose! The Zodiac EL series, AstralPool Viron Salt Chlorinator Series, and the Davey Chloromatic LifeGuard Salt Chlorinator are all well worth looking into!
There’s not a great deal of maintenance involved with saltwater chlorinators. You might need to get the salt cell cleaned or replaced every once in a while, but that’s about it!
With saltwater chlorinators, you get to continue the swim season on a much better note—no more overwhelming smell of chlorine, and no more algae swimming around your pool!
Contact us today to get the right Salt-Water Chlorinator & pool supplies you need for the cleanest pool in the town!